Speaking to Kids at Camp
There is nothing better than speaking to a group of kids. They are so eager to laugh and listen to stories. Their imagination runs wild as each character chooses and each scene unfolds. I told kids stories from the Bible with plagues, shipwrecks, and trials. I spoke about happy things and sad things. I told them parts of God's story and how they were part of it. There is nothing better than speaking to a group of kids.
One thing stood out to me as we met each morning: children are ready to listen. Nearly every one of our 350+ kids were ready to hear stories about life. Where else can you find an audience like that? Where else can you share the story of God with so many attuned listeners? We had an amazing group of cabin staff who continued the discussion throughout the day. Men and women took the time to ask questions and listen to the thoughts of their cabin. I believe that God spoke to many of our kids last week. Memories were made and boys and girls experienced life change that will last forever. I love camp and cant wait for next year.