Distracted by the Reasonable
Don't be distracted by reasonable choices when considering an exceptional life. Its reasonable to choose paths of less resistance, to resist conflict, and to use comfort as the ultimate measure of success. Rational individuals value such choices as a credit to smart living. Why should you upset the balance of things when its easier to weigh in with everyone else? Why subtract from the safety found in numbers?
Median living results in an average life; your path should not found in the middle of the road. I would challenge you to apply yourself to a higher standard. Consider a standard of love, of sacrifice, and of selflessness. There is one individual who lived an exceptional life and we have been called to be imitators of him as if we were his children. But his path is wrought with resistance, conflict, and discomfort. Thomas Merton wrote, in The Monastic Journey, that "it has never been either practical or useful to leave all things and follow Christ. And yet it is spiritually prudent."
It has never been either practical or useful to leave all things and follow Christ.
Become focused on living an exceptional life and free yourself from the burden of reasonable living. Pick up a new reed that measures the spiritually prudent above everything else. You can't afford to walk the middle of the road when it leads to popular mediocrity. Blaze a trail towards the exceptional and don't allow yourself to become distracted by the reasonable.