What happened on 2010-07-08

  • Installing XP on a VM again. Flash back in action... #
  • At Hot Shots with our creative team working on service descriptions. Any words we need to avoid? #
  • I wanted to thank everyone for the horrible ideas they gave me for words to use describing our Sunday services... "+1?" "contemporvant?" #
  • Creative meeting done. Now its time to eat a creative lunch. Rice crispies and chicken are the only two things I can think of eating now. #
  • Practical Ideas for Family Worship http://theresurgence.com/ideas_for_family_worship #
  • Selfish Ambition vs. Godly Ambition http://www.evotional.com/ #
  • Nexuntu - The OS your Nexus One has been dreaming of http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/qqrQoLo6iiU/nexuntu-ubuntu-meets-nexus-one.html #
  • I did it! I managed to listen to all of the Presidents of the United States of America in one day. Brent wins. #
Brent Colby

Brent trains leaders throughout the Pacific Northwest and is on staff at Evergreen Christian Community in Olympia Washington.


What happened on 2010-07-09


Status update on July 8, 2010 at 1:28 pm