Wait for it...

In 1984 Alexey Pazhitnov created a drop down puzzler called Tetris. It is a game that we all know and love and, sometimes, hate. The idea is simple enough: place all of your blocks so that they fit without any gaps. However, its only a matter of time until a block pops up that dosent fit. What do you do then? I panic. I begin cramming blocks right and left. My hasty decisions make problems worse. Inevitably I find myself in serious need... in need of the straight block.

Waiting for the right piece to solve our Tetris problems is hard. Waiting for the right piece to solve out life problems is harder. When things come our way that don't fit we panic. We have lapse in judgement and make bad situations worse. Soon our problems become piled up to the right and to the left and we find ourselves waiting for God to plug all of the gaps in our life. David knew what it was like to have to wait. We know him as God's anointed, warrior king and giant slayer. But his life didn't always stack up as planed. Much of David's time was spent in exile, slogging through political coups and hiding in caves. Through it all he had learned to wait on the Lord. He writes in Psalms 27,

I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.

It is always worth waiting for God. No mater how long it takes he always comes through. There is nothing as satisfying as getting that straight block to clear out four rows in your game of Tetris. It is so much more satisfying to get an answer from God after having waited it out. Do it right. Be strong. Wait for it.

Brent Colby

Brent trains leaders throughout the Pacific Northwest and is on staff at Evergreen Christian Community in Olympia Washington.


What happened on 2010-06-18


What happened on 2010-06-17