The Difference Between Speaking and Having a Voice
There is a great difference between speaking and having a voice. Speaking is a simple utterance of words. Having a voice is about being heard. We often confuse the two. When we speak, our ideas are verbally expressed and we assume that people are listening. We expect that our ideas have been shared. Some people believe that more words result in better communication. Know that a man of knowlege uses words with restraint and that our words should be few. Speaking is a matter of personal output.
Having a voice is a matter of input. When you possess a voice other people are listening. You are speaking into someone instead of at them. You dont get a voice over night; you have to earn it. People listen to those they trust. They listen because of relationship. You can also develop a voice with people whom you have never met. Becoming an excellent person can give you a voice. Many people look to the expert for advice.
Dont wait to have a voice until you are an expert; there are people in your life who will listen to you now. Your input can have an incredible impact on the lives of people you know; people who have a relationship with you. Learn to recognize where you have a voice and where you do not. Limit your speaking and sound smarter than you are.