Our Story - Kalanie and Tonya
I had the privilege to produce a video for New Hope last week. The video featured two of their members who agreed to have their story recorded and shared with others. New Hope is a church plant in the South Hill area of Puyallup Washington. Yesterday was their official launch and played host to more than 350 guests and members. It was a great win for the community and a great win for the number of supporters who have joined Pastors Jeffery and Joanne Portman in establishing this new local ministry.
Story of transformation.
When you hear Kalanie and Tonya share their story of transformation you can't help but become excited. It is great to see God move in the lives of individuals and for those individuals to become encouraged by the church. I believe that many people will hear the good news about Jesus because of their willingness to share. It was an honor to be a guest in their home and to hear their testimony.