Not Overcome
Consider these words from Lady Julian of Norwich. Her thoughts about Christ date back to the fourteenth century and survive as one of the oldest texts written by a woman in English. We relate to her for because of her apparent trials and because she kept company with a cat. Yes, one of the forerunners of women in ministry was also a cat lady. Today we can take encouragement from her shared suffering and hope. She is a uniquely transparent voice from the past that offers these words of encouragement today:
"And these words: You will not be overcome, were said very insistently and strongly, for certainty and strength against every tribulation which may come. God did not say: you will not be assailed, you will not be belabored, you will not be disquieted, but God said: you will not be overcome.
You will not be overcome.
God wants us to pay attention to his words, and always be strong in our certainty, in well-being and in woe, for God loves us and delights in us."
-Julian of Norwich, Showings