Love Does - Review
Bob Goff has written a manifesto of faith in action titled Love Does. He describes a life in motion propelled by the affections of Christ toward his people. Each chapter challenges popular conceptions of Christianity through the life experiences of the author. His friends and family play central roles in the light-shedding narrative and serve to unpack the central idea that caring results in doing.
Goff describes an anecdotal theology towards the mission of God and aligns his life narrative with the narrative of the gospel. Each chapter contains a cute story and is tied up nicely with a bow before the next chapter begins. It is simple, mildly interesting, and wants for depth.
Mildly interesting and wants for depth.
I would not recommend reading this book. I understand that it has received rave reviews and see how his simple message could be inspiring to others. I do not disagree with the conclusions of Goff nor do I deny the dynamic nature of his life. I did, however, find the book trite and ultimately boring. Everything came too easy and lacked any ideas that demanded more than a fleeting thought. Simply put: this book is not for me. I have had many respected peers recommend Love Does and open to the idea that you might like it. Dont let me keep you, check it out for yourself.