Kids Telling the Christmas Story

Nothing is better than kids sharing the Christmas story. A group from New Zealand have created my favorite reenactment of the story of Jesus' birth. They do a great job at capturing the reality surrounding Joseph, Marry, the Shepherds and some of the other major players. I love watching this narrative striped of popular christmas culture. It reminds me that this story is real. It reminds me that Christmas recognizes the day that God's son came to earth as a human being.

They have made the video free to use so long as you dont "change it in any way, nor make money out of it." Its not too late to add it to your Christmas service. You can download it by following the link below.


Use the link to download.

Brent Colby

Brent trains leaders throughout the Pacific Northwest and is on staff at Evergreen Christian Community in Olympia Washington.

Merry Christmas!


Dont Touch The Mallow!