Ghost in the Wires - Review
Kevin Mitnick may be the worlds most notorious hacker. His book, Ghost in the Wires, provides a first hand account of his social exploitation and digital infiltration of the most powerful technology companies of the world. His illegal activities quickly promoted him to number one on the F.B.I.'s most wanted list. Ghost in the Wires recalls each step of the chase as Kevin attempts a life outside the law. This is a fun and face paced book. Mitnick has had the literary assistance of William L. Simon who's understanding of technology must have come in handy. The book is filled with instances for the technical reader where Mitnick goes into detail about specific hacks and exploits. This adds much more depth to the book and legitimizes its claim to be a tell-all story of an international 1337 hacker. Parts of the book teeter on the edge of egomania. More than once Kevin calls himself brave or bold and discusses his own awesomeness at length.
I would recommend reading this book; especially for those familiar with technology and the hacking community. I am not a hacker but have a rudimentary understanding of UNIX and command line computing. Are you geeky enough to enjoy this book? Can update your own printer drivers at home? If not then you might want to skip this one.