Getting Naked - Review


976392_cover.inddPatrick Lencioni is a mastermind of business leadership. His range of influential books speak to defeating the silo mentality, hosting influential meetings, and overcoming classic dysfunctions of a team. His latest book, Getting Naked, upholds Lencioni's high standard of leadership prowess. He describes the importance of venerability in leadership and customer service. A series of values underline the theory of getting naked and apply to a variety of professions. If you have ever read Patrick Lencioni before then you understand the appeal to his formula. The majority of the book tells a story of an individual who has to learn the principles of the matter at hand. Getting Naked is no different. A compelling tale walks the readers through each of the values which make up the getting naked philosophy. The story is compelling and surprisingly so. A business fable doesn't sound like a great read but Lencioni has nailed the genre. The end of the book describes the process in simple terms and doesn't take more time that it needs to express the ideas. It is short, sweet, and comprehensive in nature.

I would recommend reading this book: it is great. All of Lencioni's books are quick reads and provoke throughout  I spent a lot of time contextualizing the ideas as they were presented and have found myself asking, am I doing this naked thing right (don't ask yourself this question out loud)? Buy a few copies for you and your team; it is well worth the time.  

Brent Colby

Brent trains leaders throughout the Pacific Northwest and is on staff at Evergreen Christian Community in Olympia Washington.

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