Ephesian Leadership Theology - Part 2
intro - part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4
Centered on Christ.
One of the primary functions of the Spirit is to draw believers closer to Christ. He is the cornerstone of the apostles and prophets.[1] The love of God is expressed through Christ and he serves as the head of the Church.[2] This is the common bond between all believers: that they have been redeemed in Christ. Paul describes the relationship between Christ and the Church as a husband to a wife. Christ sacrificed Himself to form a mysterious union.[3] John Allen states that, “the church rests on the total unique event of with Christ is the center.”[4] This is the second step for Paul’s Ephesian theology of leadership. Leaders must be Christ centered and find a common ground from which to lead others. No amount of charisma or charm can focus the mission of the Church. Only Christ can guide the body of Christ as he is the head! The Holy Spirit empowers leaders to follow Christ. Often we see leaders abuse their spiritual gifts to glorify themselves instead of lifting up Christ. They confuse the practice of Christianity with the person of Christ. If leaders are able to focus their trajectory towards Christ they will remain on target.
[1] Eph. 2.20
[2] Eph. 2.13
[3] Eph. 5.32
[4] John A. Allan. The Epistle to the Ephesians. ( London: S.C.M., 1897.) p. 88.