Dragging God Along
Are you following God or dragging him along with you? I was reading from Oswald Chambers this morning and came across this thought.
"We should get in the habit of continually seeking His council on everything, instead of making our own commonsense decisions and then asking Him to bless them."
So what are you in the habit of doing? Following God or dragging Him along with you? You know how hard it is to make your own way? We sometimes feel that our entire life is spent blazing trails. You can spend your whole life wondering when you are ever going to make it. Have you ever felt lead by God to go somewhere or do something? It is a far different experience.
So following God's path is easier? No. Its often harder. The fact is that you do not have to follow God alone. He wont leave your or ignore you, even when you are walking through dark valleys surrounded by death. What are some charactoristics of God's path? Well, it is often longer, it is far more narrow and requires more discipline and sacrifice.
I know what your thinking: when can I start? Start right now. Do the hard thing and ask God to lead you instead of asking God to bless things things you have already begun.