Books I Read in 2016

I read, listened to, or skimmed quite a few books in 2016.

According to the team at Goodreads, I added more than 90 titles to my shelf this year. Here is a quick look at each of them. Some highlights include biographies on Lyndon Johnson and Charles Finney, histories of Earthworms and Waterloo, and in depth looks at Pixar and Skunk Works. 

I listen to a lot of audio books.

Wait, you didn't read all of these? No, are you crazy? I do read a lot but I also listen to a lot of audio books. I also skim a lot of books for research purposes (no one should ever read a statistics manual cover to cover). This collection includes most of the books I went through, for the first time, in 2016. It doesn't include many of the books I re-read like Lencioni's, Death by Meeting or Keller's, The Meaning of Marriage.

Take a scroll through the list and feel free to add me as a Goodreads friend. I plan to share more about book reading / skimming / listening soon. Which of these books did you read in 2016?

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